О моя чудесная, моя изумительная катастрофа...(с)// Это мой первый визит в Галактику Ужаса. И пусть он останется приятным(с)// Хорёк-параноик в фиолетовом плаще(почти(с))
by demitasse-lover

Dipper falling grievously sick and Stan panicking and carrying him to the hospital (with Mabel at his heels) and he’s just helplessly pacing around the waiting area and he doesn’t think about how expensive hospitals are and he feels miserable cause he doesn’t know what to do just like the time his brother suddenly disappeared into the portal 30 years ago. x
25.04.2015 в 07:14
27.03.2024 в 20:28
ralphsacco8394.loseblog.com/how-to-teach-%d0%be... при открытия счета в иностранном банке